I gave myself a little time out, and we are onto a new year and week 17 in the life of this new journey.
Honestly, it has been a somewhat difficult two weeks of holidays. With holiday and family pictures everywhere, it is a little difficult not to feel out of sorts. In terms of what used to be family, I do not have a lot of support for my actions. The battle is drawn, and the young ones have in fact taken sides, it just is not mine.
However, I maybe a one-woman army, I still will march on. The New Year, somehow has a way of insisting on a restart. I do not really want to make resolutions. I do want to commit to continuing to be me, resolutely me. Not a new me.
I think, we put way too much pressure on ourselves to reinvent ourselves. I want to be able to accept myself with all my imperfections and be content. Some random pictures, could not really find anything terribly inspiring. But who knows, maybe next week.